Monday, November 9, 2015

How Long Have You Actually Been Alive?

Please Note: Whether or not you believe in God, I'm going to pretend that there is a figure in charge of us up there (I'm not sure where "up there" is, but just go with it). In this post I will be referring to this figure as "The Person In Charge."

Technically, I am fifteen years old. Technically, I have been on Earth since August of 2000 and technically, my existence has gone on for a long while. I've experienced many things in my years and I remember a fair portion of those objectives. But the things I remember…what if they're just memories?

There's a theory that you've only existed for a few seconds. Possibly less.

Assume that The Person In Charge just put you here three minutes ago. You've been on the planet for precisely three minutes and haven't existed any longer than that. When The Person In Charge brought you here, you were given memories. 

You were given vague commemorations of your childhood, the years you spent growing up, and that one time you tripped walking up the stairs at school. Some things are emphasized more than others. There are parts of your life that you don't recall at all. The Person In Charge made it this way.

You were given memories of a life you actually haven't lived. You were given memories so explicit and beautiful that they feel real. Everything feels practical enough that you begin to live your life as if it started a long time ago; you begin to live your life as if you weren't just created.

This would mean that you haven't actually experienced anything before this moment. All the things you think you've done are simply memories you were given. Congratulations, you just took your first breath.

The View From Our Hotel In Seattle
My dad told me about this theory in Seattle, Washington. We were visiting colleges for my brother and staying at some random hotel near the University of WA. My dad wanted to see the movie The Martian (which was a really good movie, by the way) and the only showtimes were later at night. My family and I were sitting down in the restaurant aspect of our hotel, sipping ice water from those black straws that hotels have, while we waited.

I don't exactly remember how, but we started talking about all these crazy theories. This was one of them. After my dad explained it, I felt extremely uncomfortable throughout the remainder of the night.

We discussed other possibilities about the existence of humanity, which I will be posting about later during the evolution of my blog. If you're looking to read about any more of my theories, click here.

This is one that made my head spin. Sure, you may think you've been reading this blogpost for a few minutes, but maybe you haven't. It's possible that you were put on Earth a millisecond ago. So, that being said, welcome to the planet.


  1. Abbi you are amazing. My brain is so messed up now. My whole life could be a lie and I would never know.

  2. ahhhhhh i feel weird now bye
