Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Aliens Exist

The universe is infinite. I'm not entirely sure how, but the science nerds over at NASA have proved this. When you look up into the sky, you're gazing into everlasting space. There is no "end" that has been discovered. The universe is infinite.

What most people envision
when they hear the word "alien"
Photo Courtesy
Knowing this, I don't understand how people don't believe in aliens.

For some reason, when the word "alien" is mentioned, people immediately think of little green guys with heads that are too big and two fingers. Often they look something like the image to the right.

When you think of it like this, it seems fairly improbable. I don't know where this idea came from but it's strange. Most people take aliens as a joke.

The reality is this: aliens exist.

Maybe you think I'm insane – a fifteen year old girl trying to tell you that there is life outside of Earth doesn't seem very convincing. But, as I said before, the universe is infinite. And if there are thousands of life-forms on Earth (our tiny planet within a solar system within a galaxy), there must be more out there.

Our solar system lives on the edge of the Milky Way, a long disk-shaped collection of millions of stars, planets, and other space things. Everything that you learn about in elementary school – from Mercury to Pluto – exists within our solar system.

This is an image of our sun in relativity to the Milky Way
Picture Courtesy
I've already posted about how huge the universe is (click here if you want to read it), so I'm not going to talk about that. Still, keeping in mind how massive everything is, do you seriously believe that our pathetic little planet is the only thing to contain life?

No, there has to be something more. The universe is too vast for us to be alone.

This proposes other questions: What kind of life is there? Why don't we know about them? Will we ever be able to contact other living things? Is there another Earth?

Maybe there's another planet identical to ours. Maybe it's just located on the complete opposite side of the galaxy. Maybe the galaxy is just a reflection of it's self; maybe the galaxy is symmetrical. Maybe there's another planet like ours, but backwards, called Htrae (that's "Earth" backwards). Maybe there's another version of you, but backwards. Maybe there's an abundance of other life in places that we didn't know about.

When you think about it this way, it feels pretty obvious. There is life somewhere that's not here.

Aliens exist.

1 comment:

  1. This is so great! It reminds me of the time in Christensen's science class in 8th grade when we thought he had aliens in his closet, and he fed them hot sauce and salt. Keep up the good blogging! And check me out if you get a chance:
