Thursday, March 10, 2016

Time Doesn't Exist

I feel like this should be common knowledge, so if this blows your mind a little bit then sorry about that.

Time is a concept that humans invented to organize themselves. Every day, our planet is moving. The Earth is spinning while simultaneously rotating magically around the sun. Now, I did some research on this, and there is no specific person who ever invented time. I suppose, long long ago, someone with a hairy face and clothes made out of animal skin pointed at a stick and said, "George, once this stick's shadow touches this rock, I want you to come over to my cave." Eventually everyone just subconsciously created "time" as a way to understand the universe's cycle of events.

There's a bunch of movies about people who can "stop time," which is super ridiculous when you think about it. If someone were to pause time, as if it's a physical thing, nothing would happen. The Earth would still move and the wind would still blow and everyone would carry on as if nothing is different. Nothing would be different.

If people stopped measuring time, however, we'd have a huge issue. Clocks would disappear from walls and watches and phones. Everyone would do everything with leisure. No deadlines, no stress, no organization. The Earth would spin and spin and spin and no one would care. People would probably celebrate Christmas on different days, if it even existed. There would be no way to log significant events in your life. Everything would just blend together.

There's also this haunting feeling that "time" did exist. Like, maybe up until 2012 (the end of the world) there was a giant clock in outer space somewhere that was counting something down. Maybe on the 21st of December, we all got stuck in time. Maybe it's still technically December of 2012 and we've all just continued along our lives ignorantly.

I think it's important that people understand this abstraction: time does not exist. Clocks exist, yes, but clocks are a human invention. The world is moving, but time is not.

Another unnecessary picture I've added simply because it's required
Image Credit

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