Saturday, January 30, 2016

Inertia Is A Property Of Matter

To Bill Nye,

My English teacher recently required that I complete this assignment, wherein I am supposed to write a blogpost in dedication to someone I admire. So I've chosen you, the man whose name all children praise: Bill Nye, The Science Guy.

Though Science was never my absolute favorite, I've chosen you for many reasons other than your amazing theme song. I grew up with my classmates howling giddily every time the teacher rolled in one of those old televisions, knowing that your face would soon flood our vision. Your show made me not hate science. You were able to entertain and educate children simultaneously, which is a very challenging task. You taught me how to tie creativity into my schoolwork, you taught me that it's possible to enjoy something I thought I disliked, and you taught me that science RULES. You're a huge part of the reason that I am curious about the world around me. I question things because of your influence, so I'm dedicating this blog post to you, Bill Nye.

You started your career by acting on a local sketch comedy TV show in Seattle, then managed to build your way up into writing a New York Times best selling book. After participating in an animated series, you began your career as Bill Nye the Science Guy, creating exactly 100 episodes of a beautiful devised show. You then went on to do amazing things, including making friends with Ellen Degeneres (read Elise's blogpost about Ellen here) and having a portion of the Walt Disneyland theme park honor your excellence.

Bill Nye on Dancing With the Stars
You also participated as a contestant in Dancing With The Stars. I find this extremely awesome considering that I attend dance classes 5 hours every day after school. And for you, Bill Nye, to do something so spectacular at age 57…that's amazing.

William Nye, you have achieved more than I even dream to do in the future. And now that you're old and retired, you've written a legendary book about evolution, the first sentence of which is, "I think it started with the bees."

You are humorous and educated, and though I've never met you you are one of my favorite people. Because of you, I have written this blog.

So to you, one of my personal heroes: Thank you for everything you have taught me about the world, about science, and about myself.

– Abbi

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