Sunday, February 28, 2016

Nothing Special

When I was younger, for whatever reason, I created a very stupid game. To play, you're supposed to try to formulate the strangest sentence possible. As a child, the sentences were often senseless and completely confusing, like "Chickens bounce small from skinny weasels and evaporate onto the gum balls." The object of the game was to say something that no one has EVER said before.

Obviously, there is no distinct way to determine whether or not a sentence has already been said in all of human history. That was sort of the point, really – your sentence had to be such nonsense that nobody could've possibly uttered it.

Now that I'm older, the concept is a bit more meaningful.

Have you ever wondered if all your words have been said? Maybe every sentence you've ever spoken has already come out of someone else's mouth. Perhaps there's even one specific person who has said everything you've ever said, just in a different order.

Furthermore, maybe everything you've ever done has collectively been done by other people. Maybe you've never performed an act that hasn't already been performed. They say that no two snowflakes are the same, but how are they supposed to know if the same snowflake that fell outside my bedroom window today fell 1,000 years ago in Portugal?

I've lived in three houses before the one I'm currently sitting in. What if tomorrow a new family moves into my first house – the one I lived in until I was 6? What if that family has a daughter just like me? What if the family then goes on to live in my second house? Then my third one? By the time I go off to college and get an apartment of my own, what if that little girl lives here? What if she ends up sitting where I sit to do my homework after school? I would never know. I could be following someone right now and I wouldn't know it; there could be someone ten years older than me who has lived my exact life. I wouldn't have a clue.

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A/N: I'm not really sure why I wrote this. I was standing around a pool table with one of my friends a few months ago, listening to loud music through the ceiling-speakers. It was past midnight, and for some reason we were talking about this. I thought it was interesting.

Read more of my theories here.